Creating a Custom WordPress Cache Plugin

So, today I had a spare day off work. I say “spare day” in the most loosest fashion you could ever imagine because out of 365 days of the year, I typically get 0 days off work. That’s the joy of running a global business. Even when I’m on holiday or vacation or even enjoying […]
Game Launcher Login System – Startup

So yesterday kicked off the start of the Development for a custom launcher login system. We figured that developing a ‘static’ kind of login system would not be useful as we have many users from Gamers to Game Developers and everyone will have their own “ways” of wanting to handle the user account management, orders […]
AOPS2 and UI Revamp

So today has been a productive day. I first started on the AOPS2 rewrite and progressed really well. I’m writing as much out to the debug log as possible in as much plain English as possible in the hope that users will be able to make sense of where the potential error comes from (if […]
AOPS2 Rewrite – The Start

So the time has come, for the AOPS2 runtime rewrite, from complete scratch. There are many reasons I am doing this, but more for longevity, new features and a much easier building and debugging process for everyone. Today is just the start of the actual patch runtime. So I have been coding away doing all […]
The State of GLCV3

Hello everyone, So GLCV3 has been released to the public for a little over 8 weeks now. It seems much longer than that since we took V2 off the shelves. From a development perspective overall, the release has been good. There were the understandable and inevitable minor “bugs” that cropped up and we squashed those […]
Back from the Holiday

It’s April 6th (just 2 days until my birthday) and I have just returned from a trip to Ibiza. I needed a break away, I booked this trip back in Jan for end of March. Although time doesn’t stop for someone who runs a business online that works around-the-clock 247, unfortunately. I have my comrades […]
It is time for the polish

The last six weeks have been immense. I really thought upon release of GLCV3, that I would finally get a bit of a break from development, but I was wrong, very wrong. The last 18 months of my life have been the hardest ever. I started the original development of V3 just after I finished […]